Sunday, May 28, 2006

Old translations

A large number of Kant's publications are available for download at the Online Library of Liberty. They are available in HTML, PDF and E-Book format. All of them are rather old English translations, mostly from the late 19th and early 20th Century.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question for you, I'm hoping for some help.

My current study
actually concerns the second analogy (namely, the argument from the nature
of time), which happens to be quite perplexing (to say the least!). I'm
taking a line from H.J. Paton (Kant's Metaphysics of Experience Volume
II), who seems to think this particular argument shouldn't be taken apart
from Kant's account of continuity. My effort is thus to further this line
of thought and explore it's viability. My question does not so much regard
the concepts which are derived from a priori intuitions (such as space and
time), but how it is that a priori intuitions can even become intelligle
by their own right. I'm assuming that in order to make intuitions
sensible, concepts must be applied to them, otherwise they would be
'blind'. So, in regard to an a priori intuition, namely time, wouldn't it
also hold that concepts must be applied to it so that it would become
understandable? Secondly, in Kant's Metaphysical lectures, he states that
properties aren't derived from concepts but immediately from the
intuition...though he does also argue that one can draw and derive
concepts from the pure intuition of space (29:976). This leaves me a bit
confused. Continuity would be a concept, since it's a generalized notion
that can be cross applied to multiple objects, but it doesn't seem like
the relation of continuity and time can be one of intuition and concept.
In his argument, then, continuity couldn't be derived from experience, but
must be a property of time? A property that must be presupposed a priori
for experience in space and time?

2:40 am  

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